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Upcoming Projects

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16 years ago, the advance of global warming modified the air, causing 80% of humanity to die from respiratory diseases and exposure to sun rays.

A large part of the population remaining exposed itself to a genetic cells mutation called XF, bearing with it atrocious side effects. 

Today, survivors divide themselves between people that inhabit places as isolated as possible to resist infrared rays and the XFs, genetically modified to adapt to high temperatures.    


Amenaza Infrarroja is part of the 2020 48 Ibero Chàllenge, where you have to write, direct, produce and edit a short film in 48 hours. It won Best Use of Genre,  Best Cinematography and Best Scenography.

Amenaza Infrarroja is the first project I was able to participate during the 2020 pandemic. All safety protocols were respected. I felt very grateful to be once more in a creative environment with a very professional cast and crew and to participate in such a challenging and rewarding experience.


Eight young immigrants in New York City seek to escape the oppressive control of the man who brought them into the country though a highly unusual immigration scam.

Swans is currently in post production. Coming to you in 2021. Click here to watch the teaser and here to learn more about Swans. 

Swans is my very first feature film. I had the great honor of playing Tilda, a character who I am very fond of because of her childlike curiosity, her honesty and playfulness. 

Working with this cast and crew was a dream come true. The balance between professional and fun was achieved and everyone felt comfortable on set, which is very important to me. 

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Dolores is grieving her sister's death when she comes across a video from her childhood which brings back memories that have been erased. 

Dolores is currently in pre production. 

Dolores is the second script I wrote along with my friend Carolina Busso. This short film's idea was sparked by conversations I had with my friends where we talked about repressed memories and how the mind, in an attempt to protect us, only allows us to come across certain information only when we are ready to deal with it. 



Productions' stills

Behind the scenes



Buenos Aires, Argentina


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